Tuesday 5.10.2016

6:30pm class cooling down after hitting "Dogma" yesterday.

Warm Up

10:00 General Warm Up
1. Circle Tag
2. PVC Direction Drills
3. Line Drills

Rowing Technique/Drills
-Legs Only
-Legs + Lean (No Arms)
-Full Motion + Return

Running Drills
-Lean & Fall
-Heel to butt, knee forward (figure 4)
-Hand/elbow speed & Torso Angle

WOD - Primary Focus

"Boat Race"

Teams of two, 6 RFT (3 per partner):

500m Row
400m Run

*Partner 1 Row + Run, then rests while Partner 2 goes. 

Skill/Accessory Work - Secondary Focus

1. 3 Position Squat Snatch x 5 sets, climbing but not above 75% 1RM Snatch

2. EMOM x 10 x 5-10 Strict Ring Dips

3. Plank Holds x 4 rounds
:30 Front
:30 Right
:30 Left
:30 Rest

Gatorz Sunglass - Made in the USA