A week long overdue CONGRATULATIONS to our favorite Dancing Lady Debbie Tully and her INCREDIBLE finish in the 2016 CrossFit Games Masters Qualifier. Each year she works her ass off and shows the world that she's the real deal. Congratulations, Deb, we love you and are honored to be able to call you friend.
Warm Up
Hungry Hungry Hippo
*See Coach
PVC/Barbell Drills (Hang Clean Specific)
-Muscle Clean
-Hang Muscle Clean
-High Hang Power Clean (foot work)
-Hang Power Clean (rebounding)
Barbell Loading - take a few minutes to add some weight to the bar and do sets of 10-7-5-5
*use this time to determine loading of the barbell for the WOD
Running Drills
*See Coach
A. "Fast & Snappy"
Complete for time:
400m Run
21 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
400m Run
15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
9 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
B. Gymnastics Work - Pick your poison
EMOM x 10 x minus 2 sets of:
Odds: Pull Ups (strict/kipping/butterfly/C2B)
Evens: Ring Dips (Strict/Kipping)
*Minus 2 Set means if you were to do a max effort set and fail on rep 15, you perform 13 reps here each round and try to remain consistent on that number.
C. Class Cool Down/Mobility/Additional Skill/Accessory Work (See Coach)