Friday 5.20.2016
Kelly and Steve intimidating the local runners.
Warm Up
General Warm Up (5:00)
-Bean Back Hackie Sack (hands only)
-Agility Line Drills
Muscle Up (6:00)
-Warm Up/Drill/Dips
Snatch (8:00)
-PVC (3:00)
-Barbell (5:00)
-Increase Load to 50% 1RM
WOD - Primary Focus
EMOM x 8
2 Squat Snatches, start at 50-60% and climb each set
-Rest 4:00-
9-7-5 For time:
Muscle Ups
Squat Snatch (135/95)
*If unable to perform muscle ups, scale to 18-14-10 Ring Dips instead.
Accessory/Strength - Secondary Focus
1. EMOM x 10
Odd: 5-4-3-2-1, climbing
Even: 5-5-5-5-5 High Box Jumps (30+/24+)
2. Run 1 Mile