Working on some concepts for the walls of CFE. Here's a preview :)
Warm Up
Game - Coaches Choice (5:00)
General Mobility - 4-5:00
-High Hamstring (Box)
-Hip Stretch (Box)
-Couch (Box)
-Trunk Twists
-Bear Hugs
DB/KB Lunge Review/Prep (5-6:00)
Row Review/Prep (4:00)
WOD - Primary Focus
EMOM x 20
Min 1: 200m Run
Min 2: 20 Abmat Sit Ups
Min 3: 50' DB/KB Front Rack Lunges (you choose the weight)
Min 4: 15 Calorie Row
Accessory Work - Secondary Focus
10-15:00 of Goat Work