Easily one of the most energetic and positive people on this planet.
Warm Up
5:00 of "Simon Says"
*See coach
Deadlift Prep/Review/Drill
WOD - Primary Focus
Against a 25:00 Clock...
Deadlift - 15:00 to establish a heavy set of 4
-Rest 4:00-
"Viper Venom"
AMRAP 6:00
4 Lateral Burpees
2 Deadlifts (315/215)
Skill/Accessory Work - Secondary Focus
Friday the 13th Challenge WOD
For time:
20 Calorie Airdyne
100' Sled Push (+135/+90)
20 Slam Balls (20#)
1 Rope Climb
20 Slam Balls (20#)
100' Sled Push
20 Calorie Airdyne
Make up some accessory/skill work you missed this week.