Friday 10.30.1986

SMILE! You're on candid camera! JK, just mobilizing while I take crappy pictures :/

SMILE! You're on candid camera! JK, just mobilizing while I take crappy pictures :/

Warm Up

3:00 Bike/Row
Line Drills:
-Butt Kicks
-High Skips
-Overhead Duck Walk
-Banded Hip
-Banded Overhead
-Side Lunges


A. Squat Snatch - Heavy Single

B. "Alive Day"

Teams of two, AMRAP 20:00

Buy In: 800m Run each (alternating 400's)

AMRAP time remaining:

30 Power Snatches (95/65)
30 Overhead Squats (95/65)
30 T2B



Gatorz Sunglass - Made in the USA