CrossFit Earned

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Monday 12.28.2015

Huddle Up! We've got work to do this week!

Warm Up

Row 750m (build intensity: 250 easy, 250 moderate, 250 fast)
2 Rounds
Inchworm w/ dive-bomber push up
Ninja Lunge
Knee Squeeze
Duck Walk

~Banded Overhead
~Banded Hip
~Banded Squat

Performance & Sport

A. Tempo Front Squats 5x2 @ 55x5, across

B. "El Capitan"
AMRAP 12:00
12 Wall Balls (20/14)
12 Box Jumps
12 C2B Pull Ups

C. 50/30 Strict T2B (K2E) in as few sets as possible, No Momentum!
(scale to medball weighted leg raise)