Monday 10.30.2017 October 29, 2017 Jen Wall A Spooktacular Friday Night Frights! 1. “Power Down”For Time: 15-12-9Calorie Row Power Snatch (95/65)directly into…15-12-9Calorie Schwinn Bike (10-8-6 AB)Clean and Jerks (95/65) 2. Squat Snatch*EMOM 12Minute 1 - 3 @ 75%Minute 2 - 2 @ 80%Minute 3 - 1 @ 85%Minute 4 - Rest*Replace with Squat Clean if needed 3. Gymnastic ConditioningRing Muscle Up2 Rounds of:45% MAx35% Max25% MaxMinimal rest between sets, 2:00 rest between roundsOR6x3-5Ring Muscle Up drill of choice