Wednesday 5.25.2016
Start from the bottom, work your way up. Each level is dependent on the previous one. Higher levels are impossible without a solid and sturdy foundation.
Warm Up
Cone Drill Warm Up (3:00)
Junkyard Dog Warm Up (3:00)
-Hop Drill
Clean & Jerk Prep/Loading (15:00)
WOD - Primary Focus
EMOM x 10
1 Clean & Jerk, climbing
*Start at ~60% 1RM and climb each set as you see fit
-Rest 5:00-
For time: (10:00 Cap)
30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
Accessory - Secondary Focus
1. Tempo Front Squat 4x2, across @ 33x3
2. Weighted Hip Extensions 3x12-15
3. Dumbbell/KB Rows 3x8, per arm