CrossFit Earned

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Tuesday 4.5.2016

Way to represent Michelle and Joe!!

Warm Up

3 Rounds
:45 Row/:15 Rest
:45 Jump Rope/:15 Rest

Barbell Warm Up

~ Bear Hugs and Arm Circles (before Barbell w/u)
~ Down Dog/Cobra
~ Calf Stretch
~ Smash Bits


A. Clean & Jerk EMOM x 9
Min 1-3: 3 Reps @ 70(ish)%
Min 4-6: 2 Reps 75(ish)%
Min 7-9: 1 Rep @ 80(ish)%

***If you don't have a current 1RM, as most don’t, then base these lifts off feel. Sets of 2 & 3 do not need to be Touch and Go.

B. "Tea Time"
5 Rounds for total reps:
1:00Calorie Row
1:00 Double Unders
1:00 Clean & Jerks(75% Bodyweight)
1:00 Rest

C. Weighted Dips
3x5, 5x3, across