CrossFit Earned

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Friday 4.29.2016

Kelly and Steve showing some skillz on the golf course. 

Warm Up

Run/Bike/Row x 3:00

Agility Drills

Group Mobility

Overhead Squat Review

Individual Mobility


A. Overhead SquatE2M x 5 sets x 2 Reps, climbing

B. "Lidocaine"

For time:

40-30-20 - Double Unders
20-15-10 - OHS (75/55)
20-15-10 - Box Jumps (24/20)
20-15-10 - T2B

C. 3 Rounds, at own pace:

25 Calorie Airdyne
20 Slam Balls
15 Dumbbell/KB Bench Press