CrossFit Earned

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Monday 2.8.2016

Lumi and Rob Kicking ass at this weekend's "Cougars and Cradle-Robbers" event!

Warm Up

On a 6:00 Running clock:
2:00 Row
Then 4:00 of
Ninja Lunge
Knee Squeeze
Duck Walk

Barbell Warmup

Mobility (with a dowel):
~ Hamstring/Adductor
~ Lat/Chest Opener
~ Super Front Rack
~ Indvidual


A. “Vis-a-Vis"
AMRAP 10:00
5 Lateral Burpees
7 Power Clean (135/95)
9 Wall Balls (30/20)

B. 10:00 to establish a 5RM Front Squat for the day 

Cash Out

5 Rounds:
Row 1:00
-Rest 1:00-
AD/Run :30
-Rest :30-
*Intervals should be at 80%+