CrossFit Earned

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Friday 12.4.2015

Love it.. Come in early, stay late

Warm Up

3:00 your choice Row/Bike/Run/Jump
2 rounds
Inch Worm (with push up)
Knee Hugs
Bear Crawl
Crab walk (feet first)

Barbell Review

~ Hamstring (on the floor, band around feet)
~Scorpion, Iron cross
~Banded Bully

Performance & Sport

A. Deadlift (15:00)
5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1, climbing

B. "Guantanamo"
Teams of two, AMRAP 15:00
50 Deadlifts (225/155)
50 Ring Dips
5 Rope Climbs

C. 3 rounds each :45/:15 Buddy Leg Tosses