Monday 12.14.2015
We could not have imagined the awesomeness that was about to ensue
Warm Up
3:00 Row/bike
Agility Ladder
Set ladder at end of the gym, line up and perform each of the following for max speed through the agility ladder, then run to the wall and jog back to the end of the line
High Knees
Forward Hop (single leg)
Forward Hop (other leg)
Lateral Hop (single leg) outside/inside
Lateral Hop (other leg) outside/inside
Straddle Hop (both feet out/in)
Hop 2 feet, 2 up/1 back
Repeat OR Coach's Choice for other drills!
~Side Lunges
~Glute Activation (glute bridge, Good Morning, etc.)
~T Spine
Performance & Sport
A. Back Squat
4x7 @ 75%
B. "Point After"
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
25-10-15-10-5 KB Swings
50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Sit Ups
C. 3 x 8-12 Seated DB Press
(no arching back!! scale down=no weight, scale up=barbell)